Five years ago when I bought my second-hand
Shepherd’s Hut I never imagined it would be the place where I would feel so
inspired to write my book.
The hut sits at the top of my garden in-between two old apple trees – in fact when
the apples are ripe you can actually lean out of a window and pick one! I know
I am incredibly fortunate to have such a lovely space and especially to be able
to position it in a beautiful location; it is truly inspiring.
I made a promise to myself when the Hut arrived that I would never buy anything
new for it (apart from tea and coffee). What you see in the photograph are all
recycled bits and pieces. The stool is out of an old art room – I have
re-painted it and made a leather cushion. Other items were already in my house
or from charity shops.
Normally when I write I use pen and paper, but for some reason I must have had
my laptop in there when I took the photo.
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