This is a picture taken from the inside of my
Shepherd’s Hut and looking outside towards the west. You can just see the hills
in the distance. These are what I had in mind when I was writing about the Wide
Game in Chapter 17 of ‘My Story’ when Lizzy and her friends go to the Bantock
Hills on Easter Monday. They all have a great time and Lizzy is a
able to feel free for the first time in months: “I was out in the fresh air
with the wind in my hair and the sun on my face in beautiful country in a
wide-open space”. (Page 108).
There is something very cathartic about being outside and feeling closer to
nature. (I find I get grumpy if I haven’t had my daily dose of fresh air and
walking outside – but that is easy to accomplish as I have a lovely dog to to
take for a regular walk!)
When I was writing ‘My Story’ I found that my daily dog-walking routine really
helped to process in my mind each freshly-written chapter. I would mentally go
through the words as I was walking along the fields and often, when I got home,
I would change a sentence here and there to improve the flow of the story-line.
So, not only do I find the interior of my Shepherd’s Hut inspiring, but it’s
also being outside and walking on the hills which help to give me the ideas I
need for my writing.
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